Build UK works to secure the right skills for the industry, now and in the future, by:
- Encouraging the next generation to choose a career in construction
- Influencing the policy landscape and working with CITB to support the skills the industry needs
- Delivering a flexible, productive and safe workplace for everyone.
The Industry Skills System & CITB
Access to the right skills in the right place at the right time is key to the whole industry and there are real challenges for employers of all sizes in training and qualifying the workforce.
Build UK is a CITB Prescribed Organisation and represents the views of its members that pay the CITB Levy during the three-yearly Consensus process when the industry votes on whether CITB should continue to collect a Levy. There are also many members that are out of scope to CITB and we need a skills system that works for everyone. Build UK has published its ‘Levy In – Skills Out’ proposal setting out members’ expectations in return for paying the Levy. This highlights how the Levy could be used more effectively to deliver better outcomes, including recognised standards for all construction occupations, a nationwide delivery system for training and qualifications, and an effective apprenticeship system, which would benefit the whole industry.
Whilst Build UK has confirmed support for the continuation of the CITB Levy during this year’s Consensus process, it was clear that members are not prepared to wait another three years to see fundamental changes in CITB’s delivery.
Click here to view Build UK’s ‘Levy In – Skills Out’ proposalOpen Doors
Open Doors takes visitors behind the scenes to showcase the fantastic range of careers available in construction. The event, which is delivered by Build UK, took place from Monday 18 – Saturday 23 March 2024 with hundreds of events participating across Great Britain. The construction sites ranged from houses to skyscrapers, and visitor opportunities included virtual reality and taster sessions, whilst manufacturing and training facilities opened their doors to demonstrate the off-site roles across the sector.
Details on future events will be released shortly.
Click here to find out moreSTEM Ambassadors
Build UK and CITB have joined forces with STEM Ambassadors to show more young people the wide range of opportunities available in construction. Go Construct STEM Ambassadors play an essential role in inspiring young people to think about a career in construction through a range of activities, including school presentations, careers talks and mentoring. Businesses can register as a STEM Employer and encourage their teams to sign up as STEM Ambassadors.
Click here to watch our short filmFlexible Working
Whilst it has long been recognised that flexible working is key to a more diverse workforce, making it work for site-based roles is often seen as an insurmountable challenge. Build UK delivered a pioneering project with Timewise and four Contractor members to trial a range of approaches to flexible working on site. The findings have been used to produce an industry-wide toolkit that can be used by companies of all sizes to implement flexible working, helping to make construction a positive career choice for everyone.
Click here to download the toolkit