Build UK has collated the standard retention policies of major public sector clients to increase transparency around the use of retentions. Please click on the client name for additional information.

About this Information

Build UK has published this information as part of its Roadmap to Zero Retentions to increase transparency around the use of retentions within construction.

The above table sets out the standard retention policies of Government departments, ministries, agencies and public bodies that have been identified as procuring construction services.

It includes the cash retention percentage generally included in contracts entered into between the relevant Government department or wider public sector body and its Tier 1 contractors as well as when the money should be released. This is to help the supply chain understand what it should expect to see in contracts on projects procured by different public sector clients.

Additional clarifying information can be found by clicking on the relevant client name. Please note that the wording reflects that used by the relevant Government department or wider public sector body.

If you have any queries regarding this information, please contact

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